Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Lolipop! Lolipop! oh lolly lolly lolly, lolipop!

The doctors have been giving Alexis "special lillipops" (she said they tasted like bluberries) since her throat was bothering her. She likes them and it wasn't until a few days ago that she discovered a) why she liked them so much and b) that they worked so well. So, she did what any rational human being would do when they wanted to know more about something--She googled it. She understood, finally, why this was her taste buds new craving.

And this was her reaction...

"I had no idea it was medical. I just thought it was fun!"

"It's not something I'd buy at the candy store, but it's delicious. The effects are delicious."

"Oh that's why it works so well!"

"Known as morphine lolipops. Also referred to as percopops on the streets of U.S. Eight calories and they have a sugar free version!"

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